Welcome to the

Wellness Competency Academy

The most comprehensive and targeted well-being solutions for:

  • Workplaces and Wellness programs
  • Schools, Community and Faith-Based Groups
  • HR Teams, Benefit Plans and Health Insurance
  • Families, Individuals and Couples

Apply the easy 4 step process to identify your wellness needs, create a wellness improvement plan, access wellness support, and begin your journey to well-being.

Anaylze your wellness assessment results.
Are there areas in your life where you need to improve or make changes? Have you Identified the risks or threats to your well-being that you want to address?

Stop Struggling on Your Own!

Join the Wellness Academy today and gain access to:

1. The wellness sytem roadmap
2. The wellness structure
3. Expert guidance and...
4. The community momentum to obtain your wellness goals.

Watch this video to learn more:

Write your awesome label here.
Congratulations on taking this bold step to optimize your well-being.
We believe that learning should be meaningful and impactful. Here you will find a process of learning to attain your wellness goals and competencies.

Your Path to Well-being Starts here.

Let’s get started!


Align your wellness competencies.

Identify the wellness competencies you must develop to create the life you desire.

Understand why developing wellness competencies, not just soft skills, is essential.

Learn how wellness competencies shape your mood, focus, experiences, and mental health.

Watch this video to discover more:

Write your awesome label here.


Set your personal well-being Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Determine your wellness goals and the reasons behind them.

Watch this video to get started:

Write your awesome label here.


Access Our Comprehensive Well-Being Curriculum.

Gain access to the required learning to achieve your well-being KPIs.

Well-being Intelligence Curriculum Learning provides continuous training and tools to support workplace wellness initiatives and improve organizational culture​.

Gain access to courses, weekly coaching sessions, masterclasses, webinars, challenges and community groups and more to stay motivated and committed to your well-being goals.

Watch this video to get started:

Write your awesome label here.

Benefits of Our Wellness Competency Program:

  • Create a Wellness Mindset: Support lifestyle changes for optimal health and wellness.
  • Boost Mental Resilience: Optimize your mental health and well-being.
  • Activate Whole-Person Wellness: Transform your life quickly and effectively.
  • Develop Interpersonal Skills: Reduce stress and discomfort with better decision-making.
  • Goal Setting and Motivation: Get the motivation to stick with your wellness goals.

Bonus: All learners receive completion certifications for
recertification credits to various organizations, including HR, SHRM, and ICF.

  • Building over 200 micro-skills
  • OnDemand wellness courses
  • Weekly group coaching sessions
  • Well-being meditation
  • Spiritual Wellness Resources
  • Leadership Resilience
  • Mental Well-being Reset programs
  • Life skills training and coaching
  • Emotional and mental wellness tools
  • Global Workplace Wellness Summit Lecture Vault

Start Your Targeted Wellness Learning Now!

Take your first course now and begin your journey to a more joyful, exuberant, and fulfilling life.